Enrollment Information

Our elite society of ninjas would like to extend an invitation to those writers who would like an opportunity to train in the art of subtlety and resourcefulness. If you are interested, please contact Maryposa at mary_gola@live.com. Please include your name, and contact information. Anyone who would like to play is welcome.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ninja Quest #5

The Dice Game

I'm pretty sure we all played this game in elementary school, but I don't think that means it will be any less fun now. Have fun, don't take it too seriously, and POST your writing as soon as possible!!!

Instructions for this Quest:
 1. Visit this website http://www.random.org/dice/
 2. Roll 5 virtual dice
 3. Correspond the number on each die to the numbers below.
 4. WRITE something using at least 3 of the 5 criteria you rolled.
5. POST IT!!!!!!

Die #1 (genre)

Die #2 (character)

Die #3 (object)

Die #4 (objective)

Die #5 (location)

1. Stream of consciousness (fiction or CNF)

1. Someone who betrayed you

1. an unopened letter

1. to kill someone

1. A travelling carnival

2. Free verse

2. Someone who doesn't speak english

2. a heart-rate monitor

2. to eat a sandwich

2.A Kanye West concert

3. Flash fiction

3. A cat

3. an out of tune piano

3. to give a gift

3. The desert

4. Form poetry

4. Bruce Campbell

4. A money clip of $2 bills

4. to recover something lost

4. A gas station restroom

5. Flash Fantasy/Sci-fi

5. A con man/woman

5. a package of Wint-O-Green life savers

5. to prevent someone from leaving

5. The zombie locker (if you don't know what this is, roll again)

6. Creative non-fiction

6. Someone who you are competing against

6. A can of Aquanet hairspray

6. to fall asleep

6. A tuxedo rental shop




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