Enrollment Information

Our elite society of ninjas would like to extend an invitation to those writers who would like an opportunity to train in the art of subtlety and resourcefulness. If you are interested, please contact Maryposa at mary_gola@live.com. Please include your name, and contact information. Anyone who would like to play is welcome.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Few Notes on Posting

First of all i would like to extend a hearty congratulations to everyone for completing the first Ninja Quest! Hooray to all! I just wanted to post a few notes and guidelines that will hopefully enrich the ninja experience for all.

  • In general, posts will be due each Friday unless otherwise specified.
  • Late posts (Saturday, 12:01 AM or later) are accepted, but there may be consequences involving the purchase of beverages. I know Trent is rather fond of Dr. Pepper.
  • If a modification is needed to complete the ninja quest (for example, you have an amazing idea that mostly fits with the quest, but not quite...) clearance must be granted.
  • Since the goal of our little society is to continually improve our skills, workshopping is imperitive.
  • Workshopping will take place via the comment section of the blog.
  • You must post comments on the writing of your fellow ninjas before you can submit your next piece. New pieces that are submitted before comments are made will be subject to temporary deletion.
  • Later this week I will post some questions to consider while workshopping a piece. Not every question will apply to every post, but it will be a good place to start. If you have questions you would like to add to the list, please feel free to do so.
General Awesomeness
  • You are all my favorite things ever.
  • I appreciate the hard work you each put into your writing, and i'm terribly excited for this opportunity!

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