Enrollment Information

Our elite society of ninjas would like to extend an invitation to those writers who would like an opportunity to train in the art of subtlety and resourcefulness. If you are interested, please contact Maryposa at mary_gola@live.com. Please include your name, and contact information. Anyone who would like to play is welcome.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Quest 3

Choose one of the following four statements:

Sometimes I believe my dead grandmother is saving my life.
I believe that all stray cats have names given them by God himself.
I am convinced that more people actually enjoy being stuck in traffic than will admit it.
I believe that no matter how great your friends may seem, they are only here to hurt you.

Use the statement you chose as the first line of a short CNF piece (500-800(ish) words) in which you use experience(s) from your own life to back up your belief.

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